After the first 8 months of work, the OVERLEAF team finally met in person. And what’s better than starting the day with a guided tour? Our Coordinator Aciturri welcomed us at its premises, in Tres Cantos, where partners could visit its facilities and learn more about its programs.
Photo: Aciturri factory in Tres Cantos, Madrid
The second half of our meeting was fully dedicated to planning the next steps. In particular, partners discussed the manufacturing process of insulating foams run by AIMPLAS and ARKEMA, and the development of an optical H2 fibre sensor which will consist of the deposition of the first H2 sensing materials on optical fibres, the optical testing in the optics lab, and the modelling of different configurations. Our partner TU Delft oversees such activities.
Open discussions allowed us to get deeper into the work performed by ICSI: the partner performed the preliminary tests at cryogenic temperatures and showed the laboratory results.
Furthermore, the tasks related to the environmental impact, economic feasibility, and socio-economic repercussions have started. NTNU will define the method and strategy for data collection, analyse energy consumptions and waste flows (effluents and emissions) associated with the processes and proceed with the assessment of the environmental impact.
What’s next? Partners can now start work on the manufacture of both the inner and outer tanks. These activities will mark our 2023 – stay tuned to get the latest updates!
Photo credit: Aciturri